Welcome to the Members' Area
Here you will find your Councillor Handbook which contains key information about your first steps as a councillor, what it means to be a councillor and important details about our council.
The page contains policies that you must read and sign an online declaration for (see forms below).
If you have any issues accessing the information on this page, please contact the Communications and Marketing Manager via email.
Induction Schedule
An induction programme has been put together to support new and returning councillors to form a cohesive body within the first few months following election, providing invaluable insight and training in the work of the Council, enabling us to fulfil our aims.
The main sessions have now been delivered and the presentations can be found in this section. The next step will see the Council develop its priorities and Business Plan for the next four years.
Being a councillor is both a privilege and a challenge. Whether you are a new or returning councillor, as a newly formed collective body, there will be a period of familiarisation that is required. We created a handbook aimed at providing all councillors with access to information and resources that enable you to fulfil your representative role as efficiently and as effectively as possible to the benefit of the local community you serve.
If you have any queries, please let us know or check the list we have provided for other organisations that may be able to assist.
You can read the Councillor Handbook online or download it for future reference. Please note that a physical copy of the handbook will be given to you when you meet the Town Clerk.
Representatives on Outside Bodies
Visit the Committees page for meeting dates and details for each committee.
Committee Function, Powers and Duties
Communications Strategy 2017 - 2021
Littlehampton Town Council Summary Budgeted Expenditure
Littlehampton Town Council Business Plan
Data Security and Bring Your Own Device Policy 2024
Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work Policy
Index of Financial Regulations
Littlehampton Neighbourhood Development Plan Period 2014 to 2029
Councillor and Officer Protocol 2024
Role of Town Council Representatives on Outside Bodies
Littlehampton Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan
Gifts and Hospitality Policy 2024
Policy Declaration Form
Please ensure you read the Data Protection, Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work, Health and Safety and IT and Telecommunications policies (found in the section above) before completing and signing the online declaration.
Claim Forms
Travel and Subsistence - to download and print.
Notification Forms
Members’ Notification of Receipt of Gift or Hospitality - to download and print.
Here you can view all the presentations that you have been given over the course of your induction.
Communications, Marketing, Events and Town Centre Support
Community Resources Officer Induction
Introduction to Community Resources Portfolio
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) is the national membership organisation representing the interests of parish and town councils. NALC works in partnership with county associations to support, promote and improve local councils and provides training and publications with guidance for local councillors on a range of topics.
The current publications can be found here and include The Good Councillor Guide, guidance for councillors on being an employer, finance and transparency and neighbourhood planning.
The Good Councillors Guide 2024
Being a Good Employer, A Guide for Councillors
The Good Councillors Guide on Finance and Transparency 2018
The Good Councillors Guide to Community Business
The Good Councillors Guide to Cybersecurity 2021