The Town Council is always willing to listen to the public concerning matters which affect the Town of Littlehampton and allows any member of the public to address the Council or its Committees. If possible, notice of intention to address the Council should be given to the Town Clerk by noon of the day of the meeting. A period of 15 minutes is allowed at each of the Committee meetings for the public to address the Council.
Questions are often asked about matters that are not within the remit of the Town Council. This can delay a response, so if you are intending to ask a question, we would recommend that you check what services the Town, District and County Councils cover before asking your question. This information can be found on the 'What we Do' page. The services covered by the District and County Councils are at the bottom of the web page.
Arun District Council and West Sussex County Council have public question time sessions at their meetings in the same way as us, and details can be found on their websites.
Your Council leaflet contains information about speaking at meetings.