Progress Newsletter

Progress is our residents' newsletter published twice a year (Summer and Winter) and distributed across outlets in the Town.

Publicising the services and events we provide, along with key news such as housing and highways developments, we also showcase residents achievements and highlight other Littlehampton-related matters of significance.

The newsletter is developed by the Progress Editorial Board made up of one Town Councillor from each political party.

Occasionally we include small articles about local groups including volunteer appeals and recruitment drives. We also welcome details of events organised in our Town. If you would like to make a request for information to be included please send us details via email.

eProgress Newsletter

You can receive Town Council news straight into your inbox when you sign up for our eProgress Newsletter. We send out eProgress at least once a month with news about our services, local projects, events and key information.

Sign up for our eProgress Newsletter now.

Read past issues here.

Progress Issues