Policies and Strategic Documents

This section contains the key policies and strategies that enable residents to understand the operational structure of the Town Council, its processes and objectives.

Council Business Plan 2023 to 2027

Following the May 2023 elections and the formation of a new council, councillors have now undertaken an extensive induction programme and created a comprehensive list of actions.

Comprising seven returning and eight new councillors (of which nine represent the Labour Party and six the Liberal Democrats), all fifteen councillors have received the appropriate training, as well as participated in a far-reaching planning session for the four-year term. The resulting Business Plan has now been drawn up and sets out the direction for Littlehampton Town Council between 2023 to 2027 encapsulating not just objectives, but also an Action Plan for their delivery. 

Confirming a collective will to work collaboratively with the public and partners to ensure better outcomes for all, the new council’s mission statement promises to

Listen, represent and lead the town by actively encouraging engagement, community and tourism.

The Business Plan Strategy and Action Plan can be found in the Governance and Accountability Section below.



A Neighbourhood Plan is a planning policy document which relates to the use of land in local areas such as a parish, town or neighbourhood. The Plan once adopted is part of the overall Local Development plan for the local authority (Arun District Council) and is used to consider all planning applications in that area.

The Littlehampton Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in 2014 and covers the period from 2014 to 2029 and can be read online.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities. Any person who makes a request to a public authority for information must be informed whether the public authority holds that information and, subject to exemptions, supplied with that information.

Under the Act every public authority is required to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme. This scheme provides the public with a structured listing of any information released and a commitment to make it available to all. The Scheme sets out how the authority intends to publish the different classes of information it makes available and whether it intends to charge for providing the information.

If you would like any further information please contact the Town Clerk – Laura Chrysostomou.

The Town Council’s Publication Scheme gives details of how information on the Council’s documentation can be obtained and sets out any cost for the photocopying of documents, if appropriate. Please read the Model Publication Scheme Document for other methods of accessing information on the Council’s services.