
Council Budget 2023 to 2024

9 February 2023
Someone circling around the word Transparency

Littlehampton Town Council has agreed its budget for the forthcoming year with all major services retained. Like all households and businesses across the UK, the Town Council has been impacted by the rise in energy bills and fuel prices as well as increases in materials and contract prices. The Council addressed the challenges by carefully assessing expenditure across all services and identifying areas where savings could be made whilst delivering key services such as allotments, community grants and events.

Speaking about the budget, Chair of the Policy and Finance Committee, Councillor Dr James Walsh KStJ, said: “This was the most challenging budget setting process the Council has ever experienced. A lot of effort was put into ensuring the precept increase was as low as possible and although it is higher than we would have liked, it is significantly lower than inflation. The Council Tax increase for a Band D taxpayer will be just under 12p per week, a total of £6.20 per year which is a rise of 4.63%.”

These figures are for the Town Council’s part of the Council Tax, for other elements residents need to check their Council tax bill when it arrives from Arun District Council. Details of the budget can be found on the How We Spend webpage.