
Littlehampton Time Capsule

2 November 2022
Photo collage depicting the capsule and Councillor James Walsh, Town Mayor Jill Long, Emily Chittenden and Celia Thompson-Hitchcock

A special time capsule to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee has been buried in the ‘Royal Gardens’ at the Manor House, Church Street, Littlehampton.  The project, organised by Littlehampton Town Council, to mark Her Majesty’s outstanding milestone saw a large capsule filled with items to be discovered in 70 years, the period being chosen to coincide with the length of the Queen’s reign. The idea of a time capsule came from local trader Andy Sleeman and was supported by the Trader’s Partnership.

The capsule contents include cuttings from local newspapers covering the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations and Her Majesty’s death. Mementos of the achievements of Littlehampton Town Football Club in the form of newspaper stories, a message from the Team Manager, a programme for their match at Wembley and a T-shirt. An appeal for items from the community resulted in a drawing of the Queen and Paddington Bear along with 1p, 2p and 5p coins being offered by Emily Chittenden. Other items include stamps and a photo book depicting this year’s events, parts of the Town undergoing development such as the High Street and Hampton Park as well as photographs of current Councillors and Town Council staff.

Highlighting the recent changes in Littlehampton in a special message for the capsule, the Mayor of Littlehampton, Councillor Jill Long, said: “There is much change happening in the Town, from new public realm works in the Town Centre, to new roads being built including the Fitzalan Road extension which I had the pleasure of opening in the Summer. By the time you read this, what we now see as fields will have houses and roads that will be decades old.  The team at Littlehampton Town Council has worked hard to find enough mementos that celebrate the Jubilee but also give you a glimpse of the past. I hope you enjoy discovering these items as much as we have enjoyed putting this capsule together.”

Speaking at the burial ceremony, Chair of the Policy and Finance Committee, Councillor Dr James Walsh KStJ said: “I wonder how much the Town and the world will have changed when the capsule is uncovered in 70 years’ time. I hope that it will be a special occasion and that people will enjoy discovering its contents.”

Seven year old Emily, said: “I’m keeping a map in my keepsake box of where the capsule was buried so I won’t ever forget about it. I really want to be here for the opening when I will be an old lady!”

Find out what items were included in the time capsule.