Allotments Working Group

Allotments Working Group

The Working Group, comprising of four Councillors (Councillors O'Neill, Wiltshire, Worne and Tilbrook) and members of the Littlehampton Allotment and Leisure Gardens Association, (LALGA), meet three times a year to discuss ideas for improving the sites. Their comments and suggestions are then taken to the Community Resources Committee for approval.

Affiliated to the National Allotment Society, LALGA has a membership averaging 200 including private gardeners. 

There's no joining fee as such but members are asked to pay an annual fee of £5 which provides liability insurance whilst gardening. Members of LALGA can also purchase seeds, fertilizers, tools and horticultural sundries at discount prices from their "shop" on the Worthing Road site which is open on Sundays from 9.30am to 11.00am. The trading hut closes from mid December to Mid January. 

For more information, click here for their Facebook page or contact the Chair, Mrs Sarah Oliver via email at: