I wish to terminate the Tenancy Agreement for the listed allotment plot(s) below.
Allotment Information
Please consider when selecting a date that you have sufficient time to ensure that the plot(s) are clear and tidy prior to returning the gate key to Littlehampton Town Council Reception. When you have selected a date please return the gate key as soon as possible to enable us to process your application.
Failure to do either of the follow may result in charges from the Town Council.
Privacy Notice
Please read this notice carefully and in full.
The information you provide (personal information such as name, address, email address, phone number) will be processed and stored so that it is possible to correspond with you, provide information and send invoices and receipts relating to your Allotment tenancy. Your personal information will not be shared or provided to any other third party.
Littlehampton Town Council will keep your information throughout your tenancy. Once your tenancy ends your information will be destroyed after 12 months.
By ticking the box below, I agree that I have read and understood Littlehampton Town Council's Privacy Policy and Allotment Tenants Privacy Notice and I agree that the Council may process and store my personal information for the purpose given above. Additionally, I understand this tick acts as my signature to this agreement.